My tip for you this Friday is a very simple one. Walk. I know, I know. You're probably like "uhm DUH Lea, of course you walk to get fit..that's not really a tip." But honestly, how much time do you actually spend outside just walking.
I thought that I walked a lot..I didn't. I would go outside and take a walk maybe once every month or so and think I was good, but really while getting out once a month is okay and better than nothing, getting out once a week or even more than that is FAR better. You'll be amazed at the lbs you can shred and how great your legs look if you just start getting up, getting out, and taking a walk. It makes you feel better too. I get horrible cramps and back pain that, some days, aspirin doesn't even fix. Getting out and walking around has not only made these aches happen less frequently, but helps relieve them also. Walking isn't very tiring either, it isn't intense or hard on's easy, you've been doing it for most of your life.
So get your booty up off of that couch, pack up the kids, and head out for a walk to the park or a impromptu scavenger hunt for your little ones. See how many different animals your toddler can find and identify. Collect leaves, make it a fun activity that you can do together while also burning calories and getting fit. You can make it as fun as you'd like, or if you just need some time to clear your head without the kids for a little bit, have your significant other watch them for awhile so you can just get out and think.
It will work wonders, I promise.
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