Thursday, February 24, 2011

Project 31 day 9

Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
I've never thought about this question before, so it has me a bit stumped...I've never had to put it into words before. 
I value the fact that I believe I am a good mother. I am proud that I'm not like the stereotype that people have made for teen mother, that my life isn't "interesting" enough to be on a reality show. When people meet me I hope that they take away that not ALL teen moms are like the ones you see on MTV. My husband and I work hard to make my daughter as happy as humanly possible and I am very proud of that. 
Another value I have, that I wish to share with my daughter is that I believe that everyone should be loved and no one should ever feel hated for who they are. Everyone is the same regardless of what they look like, what color their skin is, or how confused they seem to be.

I'm sorry if this blog is boring and awkwardly laid out, it's very hard to concentrate on this subject while being pelted with cereal by my restless one year old. 
I will probably come back later to revise and make this better, but for now this is what you get.

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