Friday, February 25, 2011

Project 31 day 10

Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)

Since I've become a mother and a wife Jesus has been teaching me patience. Patience to take care of my daughter with out letting the bad days get to me, to be a better mother and be able to handle "melt down" situations in an appropriate manner, patience with my husband in letting him follow his dream and explore this aspect of this life. I am learning that I do not control other people and how they think and feel, so there's no point in getting upset when they need some time to learn something. I am also learning to forgive. To not harbor ill feelings towards people who've done me wrong. Forgive my father for not being there enough, forgive Brennan for any fight we may have, forgive myself for things I am not proud of. Jesus is teaching me a lot of things, and I am more than willing to accept what ever he has to offer because I know what he needs to teach me, is what I need to be a better and happier person.

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