Friday, February 18, 2011

Project 31 day 3

Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
I am inspired by my daughter. 
She is the most beautiful person that I have ever known. She teaches me so much ever day and just watching her grow and learn is the best thing in the world to me. 
 I want to be a better person for her, I want to make something of myself that she can be proud of. I want to be the best possible mother for her.
I want her to experience life and do all the things that she'd love to do. I want her to have the best life humanly possible and just be happy. Because she deserves it.
She is the inspiration for everything beautiful that I want to do, have done, or will do. 
Just seeing that little gummy smile lights up my whole day and makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. 
I can honestly say that she is my inspiration for life.


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