Day 7. Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
It is my opinion that every single woman is beautiful in her own way, so I chose to address all of them.
To ALL woman,
You are amazing, you can do what ever you want to do and you can do it damn well. All you have to do is believe in yourself.
Never let anyone else feel any less than perfect, because you are. God created you to be perfectly you. You are smart and funny and interesting.
If you ever want to change something about yourself do it for YOU to make you feel good about yourself. Never change just for someone else, never do something you don't feel comfortable with. Anyone who asks you to change yourself in any way isn't a real friend. Real friends accept you for who you are, love you, and encourage you in what ever you want to do.
You are beautiful.
Never let anyone make you feel differently.
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